But really, probably not. Many times I've dedicated myself to blogging, but I lack the follow through.
There are a few things that I have followed through on though.
First thing is school. I started in August and am now finishing up my 2nd semester. I am already registered for my 3rd semester as well. If you knew my college background, you would be very impressed by this. I have many times made it through the first semester, but never through the second. Either I didn't even try for a second semester or I just quit part way through. If it weren't for my GI Bill money, I would have been sorely tempted to drop this semester too.
Second thing is breaking up with Pepsi. This has not been easy. It's been 6 days today since my last soda. I'm really rather impressed with myself. I'm not kicking the caffeine habit yet though. I'm drinking tea. Wonderful, yummy tea from Teavana.
Third thing is homeschooling Ethan. We're still going strong and I'm rather impressed with Ethan. This actually hasn't been that hard as it's been fun too. We have our lazy days, but he's learning and that's what is important.
So you see, I do occasionally have follow through.
And a random thought. We drove through Starbucks over the weekend. R got coffee, I got a bottle of water. When we got to the window the guy working the drive thru handed me my water and said "Here's your wa wa." Really? My wa wa? I never even used that language with Ethan, let alone another adult.