Saturday, March 8, 2008

A late entry!

Ok, so not really, I guess. Since I did post earlier this week. And that posting was premature. E hasn't peed in the potty since that day. The next day I was giving him some naked time and he brought me a diaper. No biggie, like I said, we're in no hurry. Changing diapers doesn't bother me, so whenever he is ready.

So, I've been trying to cut my computer time back and I have been doing a pretty good job of it. Except for this morning.

I did some dying this week. Actually, I honestly can't remember if it was this week or the week before. I think it was Monday. Ok, I went back and read my blog. It was Monday. Boy, I am getting old! Anyways, it was a lot of fun. I had dyed up some roving for my swap partner, but I'm going to do some more and hope for a better outcome. I'm also going to dye up some of the BL locks to send with it. I dyed up some locks and matching roving for myself and it's pretty nice. Here are some pictures for you. :)

I finished up my Think Spring! from my Spunky Club roving. It's South African Fine. I 2 plied it with some white Louet Corriedale. It's very nice. It's soft and squishy. I love it, it came out great!

Here are a couple of diapers I am working on. I need to get some sewing time in this weekend or Monday and get them finished up. Plus the pillows for my mom.

Here is the progress thus far on my Lucy Bag. I only have 15 rows to go until I start the handles. Yay! The Malabrigo is lovely to work with.

I bought a skein of lace-weight Malabrigo last night. I am going to use it to make this shawl. I love the way it looks and sits.

I am patiently waiting for these lovely fibers to arrive. Two spontaneous batts from Loop. Black Magic and Lavender Sachet. Dyed targhee locks from WhimzyPinzy. Lovely goodies!

This weekend I plan on finishing up my Raspberry Dreams. I am going to 2 ply it with some metallic crochet thread. I think it's going to make a nice, lacy scarf.

Ok, I think that is it for this week. I've been keeping busy, that's for sure. :)

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